Chumar, Ladakh
Chumar is a village and the centre of a nomadic grazing region located in southeastern Ladakh, India. It is in Rupshu block, south of the Tso Moriri lake, on the bank of the Parang River (or Pare Chu), close to Ladakh's border with Tibet.
Chumar has a population of around 253 people, mostly Changpa nomads. The Changpas are a semi-nomadic people who live in the high-altitude regions of Ladakh and Tibet. They herd sheep, goats, and yaks, and their way of life is closely linked to the natural environment.

16,700 ft


Nearest Airport
The nearest airport is Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport in Leh.

Nearest Roadway
The village is connected to all parts of Ladakh by road.
Nearest Attractions

Chumar Monastry
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